1. How to choose a domestic sewage treatment plant?

Due to the large variety of locations and residents' needs, each plant is selected individually.
The most important factors in selecting a sewage treatment plant are the following:

  • - number of people living permanently in the household,
  • - water and groundwater conditions,
  • - parcel size,
  • - users' needs.

When it comes to choosing a treatment plant, it is best to contact our representative who will come and perform an on-site inspection and select the best solution.

2. What are the costs of using a domestic sewage treatment plant?

Our biological sewage treatment plants are equipped with energy-efficient electrical devices which help to reduce electricity costs. The costs depend on the size and type of the installation, however, for a typical treatment plant for a 4-person household the cost of energy consumption does not exceed PLN 10 per month.

Additionally, it is recommended to regularly use biopreparations (such as Eco9), which effectively improve the operation of the plant and eliminate odours.
The amount of sludge should also be controlled and in case of a significant increase, the tank should be emptied using a slurry tanker (the frequency of disposal ranges from every 1 to 3 years and depends on the type of sewage treatment plant and the way it is operated).

Regular maintenance is recommended to boost the performance of the plant for many years.

3. Is it possible to build a domestic sewage treatment plant on every plot of land?

You need a permit to install a domestic sewage treatment plant. In the case of plots of land that have access to the sewage system or if a sewage system will be built in the future, obtaining such a permit may prove difficult. Nevertheless, it is worth applying for a permit to install a domestic sewage treatment plant.

Whether the plot is located within an agglomeration is also a factor to be considered. Depending on the size of the agglomeration, treatment plants must reduce the level of pollution to an appropriate degree.
If there are no regulations which prohibit installing sewage treatment plants and the legal provisions related to the location of the investment are complied with, you can go ahead with installing your sewage treatment plant.

4. Does a domestic sewage treatment plant smell?

If the sewage treatment plant is properly installed and used, there is no possibility that it will give off unpleasant odours. Ventilation is of key importance in typical biological treatment plants. The diameter of the vent pipe must be at least 110 mm and it must project at least 60 cm above the ridge of the building. We also offer treatment plants based on a technology that does not generate bad odours.
Moreover, appropriate biopreparations are recommended to maintain the bacterial flora on a stable level.

5. Can I install a domestic sewage treatment plant on my own?

In most cases, it is possible to install a sewage treatment plant on your own. This should be done in accordance with the instructions manual which comes with the product. This does not void the warranty on the product.

6. Is it possible to feed precipitation water to the sewage treatment plant?

It is not allowed to feed precipitation water to the sewage treatment plant as the added bacteria and other microorganisms will be washed away. Domestic sewage treatment plants are not prepared to accommodate large amounts of water in a short time.

7. Is it possible to install sewage treatment plants in clayey soils?

At present, there are many domestic sewage treatment plants available on the market which will work well in clayey soils. Biological treatment plants with a pressure pump at the outlet will be ideal as the treated sewage will reach any place on the plot. Additionally, the collected water can be used for garden irrigation.

8. What is the minimum area of the plot for a domestic sewage treatment plant?

The size of the plot must allow for the installation of treatment plant tanks and the infiltration system while maintaining the minimum required distance between the installation and other facilities. Therefore, it is difficult to clearly determine what is the minimum area necessary because it depends on many factors. It should be assumed, however, that you need approx. 1-3 m2/PE for the tank and about 2-5 m2/PE for the irrigation system.

9. What are the advantages of a domestic sewage treatment plant?

  •  financial savings – the investment will pay off quickly, reducing fixed costs,
  •  sewage can be managed at the place where it is generated,
  •  environment protection – you live in harmony with the nature,
  •  purified water is rich in microelements, it can be reused for example for irrigation,
  •  you are not affected by the increasing costs of sewage collection,
  •  numerous solutions make it possible to install the plant almost anywhere


10. Is it possible to discharge treated sewage from the treatment plant into watercourses?

Sewage treated in a biological sewage treatment plant can be discharged into watercourses such as a ditch, river or lake. However, this requires drawing up a water quality impact assessment and obtaining an appropriate permit as well checking the quality of the discharged sewage on a regular basis.

11. What is the highest level of groundwater enabling installation of a sewage treatment plant?

The level at which treated sewage may be discharged into the ground must be at least 1.5 m above the groundwater level. If the groundwater level is higher, the infiltration system can be installed in an additional fill.
Another thing is protecting the tank against mechanical effects of groundwater pressure. In some cases, when the water level is very high, it may be necessary to make an additional lean concrete backfill.

12. What documents are necessary to obtain a permission to install a domestic sewage treatment plant?

In order to install a sewage treatment plant, you must report your intention to do so. The application must be submitted to the local authorities [starostwo]. A final decision is issued within 30 days. If you do not receive any information within 30 days, this means that you can go ahead with the installation.

13. Which bacterial preparations should be used and is this necessary?

Given the chemical products (shampoos, washing powders, liquids, etc.) used in households, it is advisable to supplement the bacterial flora with suitable biopreparations with the microelements needed to break down sewage.
What is more, biopreparations eliminate unpleasant odours and boost the durability of the plant.

14. How is soil tested and how is the groundwater level measured?

To measure the groundwater level, it is necessary to drill a borehole.
Such a borehole can be drilled by a representative of our company during an on-site inspection.

15. Is it possible to obtain a subsidy for the construction of a domestic sewage treatment plant?

In order to obtain information about available subsidies, contact the local administration in your place of residence [Starostwo, Urząd Gminy, Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska]. Sometimes towns have funds available for such investments.

16. Can a sewage treatment plant handle sewage containing fat?

Household sewage can be fed into a domestic sewage treatment plant despite fat content. Sewage containing large amounts of fat should be carried by a separate sewer connected to a separator prior to reaching the treatment plant. Biopreparations should be used with the separator to support fat decomposition.

17. Can a sewage treatment plant be installed in a place where there is no inflow of sewage for some time?

Selected models of biological sewage treatment plants are equipped with a system enabling operation of the plant in the absence of sewage inflow, e.g. when you are away on holidays. However, if the lack of inflow is long-term, e.g. several weeks, it may be necessary to restart the plant.

18. Where are domestic sewage treatment plants recommended?

• wherever there is no sewage system,
• in places where housing is not dense,
• in places where the normal operation of cesspools is difficult,
• when your plot is located in an area without a local spatial development plan.

19. Can a treatment plant freeze during the winter?

A properly designed and installed treatment plant cannot freeze during the winter, even if the inlet pipe is very shallow (several cm below the surface) and its length does not exceed 5-8 m.
The temperature of sewage flowing out of the building is always positive (15-50 °C) and it heats up automatically during the treatment process.

20. Can sewage treatment plants be expanded?

Sewage treatment plants can usually be expanded. However, it is better to anticipate possible expansions when designing the plant so that it doesn't require high investments.